Film, News and Projects


TORO FILM produzione audiovisiva,  film e foto:

da HD a 4K,


TORO FILM, Multimedia Produktion, Film und Foto:

Equipment  HD und 4K,

DoP, CINEMATOGRAPHER;   filmography  please  have also a look under VITA

TORO FILM, film and photo production:

own equipment and facilities in HD and 4K

Blackmagic Mini Ursa Pro 4.6 complete/ GH5 , Atomos Shogun Flame/ Mini Jib/  gimbal / drone / lights and sound


 For over  50 years in the film and photo industry


  • „IL PATRIZIATO E IL SUO BOSCO“, 25 min. documentary, 2024/25
  • „LA SCAM ED I SUOI PRIMI 60 ANNI“, 83 min. documentary  about and with a former worker and current mountaineer choir. November 2024 on screen,                                                                      Trailer:
  •  „BASEL and his BIRDS“; May 2024, 12 photo, 90x60cm, placed in the new building of the Basels Home for the Blind.  Photos with a integrated soundtrack:  birds and  sounds of specific Basel locations
  • „YSCHTOO TO THE CARNIVAL OF BASLE“ broadcast on 31 July 2023 on Buthan TV (BBSC).  „Yschtoo “ is still running on various festivals in 2024 , Sidney, London, Vienna, Pisa. Award winner at various festivals from 2020 at Kyiv Film Festival, at the SFAAF, Cile  to 2023 Tabriz Cinema Awards
  • „ARNO STERN- Spuren des Lebens“  documentary by Andrea Rodoni,   on screen 2023/2024 Cinematography. 


„YSCHTOO ZUR BASLER FASNACHT“    a feature length documentary by Nicolas Joray,  subtitled in German , English, Italian or French. Also on  DVD/ Blu-ray      or



  • BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE AWARDS:  SFAAF- Rancagua Chile , March 2020
  • BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM AWARD: Kyiv Film Festival, Kiev Ukraine , June 2020
  • BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM AWARD:  Golden Sand IFF, Istanbul; 2022;  Tabriz Cinema Award, 2023; Andromeda Film Festival, Istanbul, 2023
  • OFFICIAL SELECTIONS 2020: IERAPETRA Documentary Film Festival, Greece August  / Austrian International Film Festival 2020
  • OFFICIAL SELECTIONS 2022: Fox Festival , Rome  / Butterfly Int. Film Festival, Marseille / Emerald Peacock, Berlin/ Stockholm Gold Award SDAIF, Stockholm / Snow Leopard Film Festival, Madrid.
  • OFFICIAL SELECTIONS 2024: Cinema Carnival, Pisa, Italy / Online Festivals: London Cinematic Horizon / Sidney Cinematic Horizon / Vienna Film Stories

„WOODWIND“, feature film, 126 min. DOP , directed and produced by Fin Manjoo ; South Africa / India;

Nominated for Best Film at both the Cape Town International Film Festival and the South Africa International Film Festival (Rapid Lion). Rated by FIPRESCI as the best film in SA for the year, . Named as a rising star at Diorama Festival, New Delhi.


IMAGE FILMS for OMEXOM, Vinci Energies, Germany,     and


„AIDA“ opera by G.Verdi, conducted by Andrea Cupia, LAC Lugano 2023, multimedia photo show

„LA SONNAMBULA“ opera by V.Bellini, conducted by Andrea Cupia, scenographic film 120 min. 2022

„SCHLUSSPFIFF“  multimedia installation by Susanne Dieringer, scenographic film 55 min. 2021

„TERROR“  theatre play by Ferdinand v.Schirach, dir.: Kami Manns; scenographic films and photos

Teatro dell’Arte, Milano/  Federal Criminal Court, CH-Bellinzona /  Teatro Piemonte Europa; Torino/ LAC, Lugano/  Teatro Stabile del Veneto;Venezia


  • „INDIA-TICINO“ photo exhibition, 32 Portraits from two different working worlds in dialogue. Autumn 2023
  • BASLER KUNSTTAGE“ Participation August 2023
  • „LICHT-BILDER AUS DER LEVENTINA“ photo exhibition, Galeria Spada, Basel, 2023
  • „FASNACHT BEWEGT“, photo expo at Schmaler Wurf, Basel-CH, 2023
  • „EXPEL“ and „FORGIVE“ 2 photo installations in public space for „Sakrale Zeiten ?“ , a cross-town art event by BKG, Basel. Autumn 2022
  • „IL FASNACHT SI MUOVE E COMMUOVE“ photo exhibition at La Carità, Locarno-CH,  2022
  • „LE 13 PARROCCHIE“- photo exhibition Oratorio S.Bernardo, Faido,  2021/2022,
  • „STATT-FASNACHT“ /2021 photos exhibition and  co-organisator of this cross-city event
  • „TRACCE UMANE E IL RITORNO DELLA NATURA“; exhibition Dazio Grande, TI / 2020 ->
  • “ ZSCHOKKE 125th“ at the Wett- BS /2019 /group exhibition, video installations->
  • „LUCI e PERSONE IN VALLE“, Dazio Grande, TI / 2016
  • „LICHTER UND MENSCHEN“, PEP+noname, BS/2015
  • „RESPIRO DEL TEMPO“, Dazio Grande,TI /2014 installation+photo
  • „BILDSPRACHE UND SPRACHBILDER“ M54/visarte, Basle; group exhibition, 2012 installation+photo/video

curriculum vitae:

1952 born in Basle/ Switzerland

1972        start of work in the film industry as camera assistant

1978       – 2009   Berlin based, living now  in Mairengo – Switzerland

as DoP:

about 65 motions pictures and  tv-dramas, e.g.:

„Peter Gombas Lehr und Wanderjahre“                                 director:             Nenad Djapic

„Am nächsten Morgen kehrte …“                                                                     Monika Funke-Stern

„Stadtromanzen“                                                                                              Dagmar Brendecke

„Kein Ort für Sirenen“                                                                                        Angi Welz-Rommel

„La tregua/ the truce“                                                                                        Francesco Rosi; operator

„Verdammt, er liebt mich“                                                                                 Sven Severin

“„Error 2000“                                                                                                       Anders Engström

„Code  Baltic Storm“                                                                                           Reuben Leder

„ Bye Bye Berlusconi“                                                                                          Jan Hendrik  Stahlberg

“My heart in Africa”                                                                                             John Delbridge

“Diamond diver ”                                                                                                 John Delbridge

“Woodwind”                                                                                                         Fin Manjoo

around 25 feature length  documentries, cinema and television :

„Scarabaeus“    ( 1976)                                                           director:                Pierre Voyame

„Der Gelbe Stern“       (Oscar nominated 1981 )                                                  Dieter Hildebrand,

„1000 Kraniche musst du falten“ /Children of Cernobyl                                     Thomas Bauermeister

„Majdanek“                                                                                                          Krzystof Czajka

„Ludiano-Texas“                                                                                                   Mike Wildbolz

“ Romeo and Julia unplugged”                                                                           Yasmin Khalifa

„Arno Stern, die Welt der malenden Kinder“                                                      Andrea Rodoni

various  tv-serials, for example:

„Neues aus Uhlenbusch“,   „Karfunkel“,  „Happy Birthday“, „Girlfriends“,  „Liebe, Babies  und…“  „Inga Lindström“

Shooting experiences  :  Peru, Mexico, USA, Turkey, Europe, Russia, Central Asia, India, Australia, Southern Africa,

Languages :  Italian, German, French, English

citizenship: Swiss and EU

Extended filmography

english :


Lectureship/ Docent Cinematography:

  •  Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, in german
  •  Filmakademie DFFB,Berlin; german
  • Zelig, Bolzano/IT  in italian

MOVIES as director 

„La SCAM ed i suoi primi 60 anni“ documentary feature length

„Yschtoo zur Basler Fasnacht“ docu. feature lenght, cinema

„La lunga marcia della banda“, 65 min. docu     trailer:

„Le mamme della Valascia“  docu /  TV-RSI

Image movies : Omexom, Germany  and

„Frutta quattro Stagioni“,  Ass. Frutticoltori Ticinesi

Spots, p.e. : „Coro SCAM and the Italian Harmonists“   / „Aiuta l’Ambrì di avere un futuro“