about 25 documentaries, feature length, cinema and tv, e.g.:
- „Scarabaeus“ / docu drama (1976)/ dir.: Pierre Voyame
- „Der Gelbe Stern“ (Oscar nominated/1981)|dir.: Dieter Hildebrand
- „1000 Kraniche musst du falten“ | dir.: Thomas Bauermeister
- „Majdanek“ | dir.: Krzystof Czajka
- „Ludiano-Texas“ | dir.: Mike Wildbolz
- „Arno Stern, die Welt der malenden Kinder“ dir.: Andrea Rodoni
various tv-series, e.g.:
- „Neues aus Uhlenbusch“
- „Karfunkel“
- „Happy Birthday“
- „Girlfriends“
- „Lindström“
around 65 feature films for cinema or television tv :
- „Peter Gombas Lehr und Wanderjahre“ | dir.: Nenad Djapic
- „Am nächsten Morgen kehrte …“ | dir.: Monika Funke-Stern
- „Kein Ort für Sirenen“ | dir.: Angi Welz-Rommel
- „La tregua/ the truce“ | dir: Francesco Rosi, camera operator
- „Verdammt, er liebt mich“ | dir.: Sven Severin
- „Error 2000“ / „Die Millenium Katastrophe“ | dir.: Anders Engström
- „Baltic Storm“ | dir: Reuben Leder
- „Bye Bye Berlusconi“ dir: Jan Hendrik Stahlberg
- „Diamond Diver“ | dir: John Delbridge
- „Woodwind“ dir.: Fin Manjoo
Lectureship/ Docent Cinematography:
- Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
- Filmakademie DFFB, Berlin
- Fachhochschule Düsseldorf
- Zelig, Bolzano/IT
Photography / Exhibitions :
- M54/visarte, BS/ 2012
- Dazio Grande, TI /2014
- PEP+noname, BS/2015
- Dazio Grande, TI 2016
- Dazio Grande, TI 2020 https://www.facebook.com/groups/245571426738475
- Statt-Fasnacht, BS 2021 https://www.facebook.com/Statt-Fasnacht-101426328651419
- La Carità, Locarno TI 2022
- „Sakrale Zeiten“. BS photo installation 2022
- Schmaler Wurf, BS 2023
As a cinematographer, I have collaborated on numerous productions in the international film and television industry. Among them, the Oscar-nominated documentary “The Yellow Star”; “Tausend Kraniche musst du falten”, Best Documentary Film at the Hessian Film and “Bye Bye Berlusconi!”, which won Best Production at the Bavarian Film Awards, Awards, and the Femina-Film-Prize at the Berlin International Film Festival, respectively. I have also worked on the television films and series
Directing and producing :
- „Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten“/1974; short movie
- „Le mamme della Valascia“/ RSI, 2012; documentary
- „La lunga marcia della banda“/2014; documentary
- „Yschtoo zur Basler Fasnacht“/2019; documentary
- „Fasnacht Locked In“ / 2020, documentary
- „Frutta quattro stagioni“ / 2020 ; documentary
- scenographic movies for theatre and opera like „Terror“, „La Sonnambula“
Nicolas Joray
1952 born Basle/CH,
50 years of work in the film industry
1978 – 2008 Berlin based
lives now in Ticino, Switzerland
cinematographer and photographer
Languages : German, Italian, French, English; Swiss and EU citizenship
extended CV: